Unlawful Flight To Avoid Prosecution - Child Abduction

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Reiko Nakata Greenberg-Collins
Reiko Nakata Greenberg-Collins
Keisuke Christian Collins
Keisuke Christian Collins


Reiko Nakata-Greenberg, Reiko Nakata, Reiko Greenberg, Reiko Nakata Greenberg, Reiko Nakata Greenberg-Collin


Date(s) of Birth Used June 3, 1964
Place of Birth Japan
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Height 5'5"
Weight 110 pounds
Sex Female
Race Asian


Reiko Greenberg-Collins is believed to be residing in Japan with Keisuke Collins.


On June 16, 2008, Reiko Nakata Greenberg-Collins is believed to have left Santa Ana, California, with her six-year-old son, Keisuke Christian Collins, and travelled to Japan. At the time, Greenberg-Collins was involved in a custody dispute with the child's father, who was originally scheduled for visitation that evening.


A warrant for child abduction was issued by Orange County, California, on August 26, 2008. A federal arrest warrant was issued on September 15, 2008, by the United States District Court, Central District of California, after Greenberg-Collins was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

Keisuke Christian Collins is described as a Biracial (Asian and White) male, date of birth March 3, 2003, 3'6" (at time of his disappearance), 40 pounds (at time of his disappearance), with brown hair and brown eyes.


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