Run. Hide. Fight. – Safe in Schools

For more active shooter safety resources, visit

Video Transcript

I really think the zoo lab program is going to be a popular field trip for the seventh graders. And it will get them out of their seats and up on their feet for about 5 hours.

What are the dates again?

March third and fourth.

Okay, let's put it on the calendar.

See you later.

Principal Gonzales, can we chat after school about the science fair?

Sure. No problem. Great. Thanks.

Have a great day.

I got to tell you, Monique. Aquarium, Museum, Art Gallery. Andd now Zoo Lab. You've only been librarian for one year, and you’ve already planned four field trips. No wonder the kids love you. I had no idea. Reading to earn field trips would be such a big hit. That was a great idea.


Emma. Mara. You two better hustle

 Those are gunshots.

This way, everyone. Lead the kids to the rally point outside. You know the spot?

I do. Come on, kids. Come on. Come on.


The RUN in run, hide, fight means to evacuate quickly and safely in a direction away from the attacker. Keep your empty hands up and follow all instructions by the police. And keep moving until you're sure you're at a safe location.


Come on, guys. Everything's fine. Hands up. Hands up.

In here.

He’s coming this way.

We need to lock the door. Cover the window. And barricade it. Kids, over here.

Our only exit is blocked by the attacker. But we have another option. The HIDE in run, hide, fight does not mean to get under desks and freeze. That makes an easy target for the attacker. Hide means to make sure the attacker cannot get to you or see you.

Keep coming. Apply direct pressure to the wound to control the bleeding until we can get a tourniquet. He'll be fine.

Silence your phones and voices and have a plan to defend yourself. Is there a back way out?


The attackers blocking the only escape route. And there's no good hiding places here. But we're not going to be victims.

We'll fight, if necessary, to defend ourselves. If you control the weapon. You control the shooter. I'll go for the gun. Kate, you go for the arms. Alex, you go for the head.

Police! Police!

Over here!

We got him!

Okay. You've called all the parents?


Oh, excuse me. Oh, thank goodness. Are your kids okay?

They’re fine.

We're okay, too.

The chances of having an active shooter incident at your school are extremely low. But there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood even more. Proper building security is critical, as is fostering a positive emotional environment and implementing prevention tools like “See something, Say something.” And threat assessment teams. while doing all we can to prevent an attack, we must also be prepared for one.

Before the school year began, we worked with local law enforcement to train our staff on the

Run, Hide, Fight decision making tool. Wherever you go, be aware of alternate exits if it is safe to do so quickly and cautiously evacuate in a direction away from the attacker.

Don't hesitate. Seconds matter.

Remember windows and emergency exits.

Leave belongings behind. Keep empty hands raised and clearly visible. Follow all instructions from the police. Don't stop until you are sure you have reached a safe location.

If there is no safe escape route, then find a good place to hide. Hiding means making it difficult

for the shooter to see and get to you. Lock and barricade doors, cover windows, silence cell phones and prepare a defense plan.

Fight only as a last resort. Use available objects as improvised weapons.

Use teamwork and surprise. A coordinated ambush can incapacitate an attacker.

You're fighting for your life. Don't fight fair.

If you're assisting someone who is wounded, it is critical to stop severe bleeding. A person can die of uncontrolled blood loss in 5 minutes or less. So those present need to act even before help arrives.

Simply applying direct pressure can make a big difference. Tourniquets are devices that can stop bleeding completely if applied properly. Work with your local emergency medical services to ensure your staff is properly trained and prepared ahead of time. How do you prepare for the unthinkable? Start today.

Contact your local law enforcement professionals and work together to create and practice an effective active shooter preparedness plan. For additional information on run, hide, fight, and for information on how your school can implement prevention tools, visit

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