FBI Linguists: What We Do and How to be Successful

FBI Linguists discuss various aspects and challenges of their work.

Video Transcript

Arabic Linguist: It's not always the same. There is written translation. There is audio translation. Some of the times we go on interview with people, so there is, let's say, interpretation involved.

Korean Linguist: What I do on a daily basis can be different, can vary. Sometimes I work on documents all day long. Sometimes I work on audio all day long. Sometimes I am in the field. I am assisting takedowns, for many days. It varies. That's the part I like about my job. My job can be desk-bound for a couple of days, but then I am out doing something else. I like that diversity factor of my job.

Arabic Linguist, Mid-Atlantic Region: I have like assignments that are given to me in advance, but there's always like urgent translation request that come in late in the day and that breaks the routine of the day, and it's always exciting to come to work. It's never boring.

Spanish Linguist, Southwest Region: I have forensic reports that come across my desk, and sometimes it's not even for the Bureau. Sometimes, we're helping out other agencies, and so we get to collaborate with a lot of people.

Spanish Linguist, North Central Region: As a Spanish linguist, I've worked with different squads and specifically with cases or squads that deal with criminal investigations. When there's arrests, when there's interviews, I'm given the opportunity to help law enforcement officials or agents with those interviews.

Bulgarian and Spanish Linguist: What we do is being able to choose what is relevant information and which is the information that addresses our intelligence collection requirements and take that and analyze it, and eventually translate it, among other things.

Korean Linguist: To be a successful language professional in the FBI, or to be a successful employee in the FBI, one has to be a constant learner. One has to always learn to be better, and to polish one's capability, ability, and we have to learn to work with others. This is so cliché, but I know how important it is to be able to work with others, and respect each others' strength. And that's paramount in working in a big organization like this.

Voice Over: Visit fbijobs.gov/linguists to learn more or apply, and start your adventure as an FBI Linguist today.

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