Wanted by the FBI: Missing Woman Rachel Louise Cooke

September 28, 2017

The FBI is offering an up to $50,000 reward for information that helps to find Rachel Louise Cooke, who was abducted while on a morning run near Austin, Texas in January 2002.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: The FBI is offering an up to $50,000 reward for information that helps to find a missing college student from outside Austin, Texas.

Rachel Louise Cooke—then 19 years old—was abducted while on a morning run near her home in Georgetown, Williamson County in January of 2002.

Rachel’s mother, Janet, begs anyone with information to come forward.

Janet Cooke: Rachel was a very good soul, and that hurts me, because whoever took her took somebody that could make a huge contribution to this world.

Halpern: FBI Special Agent Justin Noble…

Justin Noble: The FBI is partnering with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office to find a resolution in this 15-year-old investigation. We’re absolutely committed to finding Rachel.

Halpern: Sheriff Robert Chody says closing this case will help Rachel’s family and the tight-knit community to heal.

Robert Chody: Can you imagine if this was a child of yours? As a father, I can’t imagine what the Cooke family has endured all these years. Please bring Rachel home to her family where she belongs.

Halpern: To report tips, dial 1-800-CALL-FBI or visit tips.fbi.gov. With Wanted by the FBI, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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