Wanted by the FBI: National Missing Children’s Day

May 25, 2017

The FBI shares the stories of missing children as we join the nation in its observation of National Missing Children’s Day.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: Each of the estimated 465,000 missing children in 2016 has a story. Like, Kimberly, Diamond, and Kristian.

The FBI shares their stories as we join the nation in its observation of National Missing Children’s Day each year on May 25.

Christopher Allen: Missing Children’s Day presents a natural opportunity to focus the FBI’s efforts on publicizing unsolved missing kid cases we’re currently investigating.

Halpern: That was Christopher Allen, Chief of the Investigative Publicity and Public Affairs Unit.

The FBI has dedicated resources for investigations into missing and exploited children, but you also have the power to help us.

Allen: Many cases are solved with the support of the public—someone that recognizes a face and makes a phone call.

Halpern: Help reunite missing children with their loved ones. If you think you’ve seen a missing child or to report a missing child, contact local law enforcement. For more information visit www.fbi.gov. I’m Mollie Halpern of the FBI.

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