Wanted by the FBI: D.C.-Area Hotel Rapist

June 21, 2018

Between 1998 and 2006, the D.C.-Area Hotel Rapist allegedly assaulted up to nine women—six of which are rapes forensically linked by his DNA—and the FBI and its law enforcement partners are offering a reward to help identify him.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: A serial rapist is on the lam and the FBI and its law enforcement partners are offering a reward to help identify him.

Between 1998 and 2006, the D.C.-Area Hotel Rapist allegedly assaulted up to nine women—six of which are rapes forensically linked by his DNA.

The offender’s DNA profile has been indicted in this case—a first in the history of the District of Columbia.

Special Agent Erin Sheridan …

Erin Sheridan: … meaning no matter when he is found—whether that is next week or five years from now—he can be charged for those crimes because of the DNA profile.

Halpern: Most of the attacks happened to housekeepers while they were cleaning hotel rooms.

Sheridan: The offender comes in behind them, surprises them—almost ambushes them—and then sexually assaults them.

Halpern: Law enforcement is offering a substantial reward for information leading to the serial rapist’s identity, arrest, and conviction.

Sheridan: These serial rapes may be dated but they’re fresh in the minds of our victims and our investigators. We will do everything in our power to seek justice.

Halpern: Report tips anonymously at your local FBI office or tips.fbi.gov.

With Wanted by the FBI, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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