FBI, This Week: Security—Part of Super Bowl Sunday Playbook

January 26, 2017

Security is a significant part of the game plan for Super Bowl Sunday. The FBI has been preparing for the NFL signature event in Houston, Texas for three years.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: Security is a significant part of the game plan for Super Bowl Sunday.

The FBI has been preparing for the NFL signature event in Houston, Texas for three years.

Perrye Turner is the special agent in charge of the Houston Field Office…

Perrye K. Turner: Super Bowl LI is a national event, and our goal, obviously, is to uphold the Constitution and protect the American people, so we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure that it’s a safe event.

Halpern: The FBI will have all hands on deck.

Turner: Our crisis management team, our cyber team, our intelligence team, our SWAT team—everybody in this field office will play a vital part in ensuring that it’s a safe event for everybody. 

Halpern: Like football, where teamwork comes into play, teamwork is also essential among all levels of law enforcement.

Turner: We rely heavily on our state and local partners to help us accomplish our mission.

Halpern: With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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