FBI, This Week: Remembering the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103

December 20, 2018

The FBI and its partners honor the memory of the 270 people murdered in the terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103 30 years ago this month.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: The FBI and its partners honor the memory of the 270 people murdered in the terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103 30 years ago this month.

Passengers from 21 countries—mostly Americans—were en route to New York from London when a bomb on board the jetliner exploded above Lockerbie, Scotland.

An alleged Libyan intelligence officer was sentenced to life behind bars, but FBI and Scottish investigators say others were involved.

The case—called Scotbom— remains open.

A permanent memorial to the victims was presented at a remembrance service at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

FBI Director Christopher Wray …

Christopher Wray: We in the FBI have not forgotten those 270 lives. We have not forgotten what you lost that night. We have not forgotten our responsibility to find those behind the attack and bring whatever measure of peace and justice we can. 

Halpern: With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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