FBI, This Week: Strengthening Partnerships with America’s Business Community

November 30, 2017

To protect the nation’s economy and national security, the FBI is strengthening its relationships with the U.S. business community through the Office of Private Sector.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: To protect the nation’s economy and national security, the FBI is strengthening its relationships with the U.S. business community.

The private sector spoke—and the FBI responded.

Shannon Rose: We heard from the private sector that they wanted one place to call, and so we created the Office of Private Sector to provide that one place for them to connect with us.

Halpern: That was Unit Chief Shannon Rose, who says the FBI partners with the private sector in many ways, including....

Rose: …concerns they may have which could be cyber related, or it could be an employee who has access to information and could be potentially trying to sell that information to a competitor or a foreign adversary.

Halpern: The FBI has at least one private sector coordinator in each of its 56 field offices across the country. The coordinators connect callers with who they need to engage with—making it easier to address the needs of private industry.

Rose: We want the private sector to know that we are here to listen to them, to listen to their risks and their concerns, and then to help them—through partnership—mitigate those risks and concerns.

Halpern: If your company wants to begin building a trusted relationship with the FBI, call your local field office and ask for the private sector coordinator. With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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