FBI, This Week: 2018 Honors Internship Program

July 6, 2018

Hundreds of students from a wide range of academic areas and backgrounds are spending 10 weeks this summer getting an insider’s view of the FBI.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: Hundreds of college, graduate, and post doctorate students are spending 10 weeks this summer getting an insider’s view of the FBI.

The Honors Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to embed at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. and 56 field offices across the country.

The program is more competitive than ever before.

A record number of applicants—about 15,000—applied for the program, and 900 came aboard. Another 300 interns returned for their second year.

Rising senior Benjamin Fehringer is an intern in the Cyber Division.

Benjamin Fehringer: I’m seeing the huge spread of things that you can do in the cyber security field with the FBI, and it’s just so amazing to be part of something greater—to help protect and serve the American people.

Halpern: Unit Chief Kisha Winston says at the internship’s end, selected students will get job offers.

Kisha Winston: The FBI has selected a talented pool of individuals from a wide range of academic areas and backgrounds. This internship allows them a head start on an exceptional career within the FBI.

Halpern: Applications for next summer will be accepted from August 27 to October 15 at www.fbijobs.gov.

Fehringer: An amazing experience that you can’t really get anywhere else.

Halpern: With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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