FBI, This Week: Bureau Participates in Largest Nationwide Elder Fraud Sweep to Date

March 8, 2019

The FBI and its partners are taking actions against more than 260 individuals from across the globe who allegedly defrauded more than 2 million Americans, most of them elderly.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: The FBI and its partners are taking actions against more than 260 individuals from across the globe who allegedly defrauded more than 2 million Americans, most of them elderly.

The losses are three-quarters of a billion dollars to date.

A scam artist even tried to defraud former FBI and CIA Director Judge William Webster—who recently turned 95 years old—and his wife, Lynda.

Lynda Webster: Absolutely anybody can be targeted by the scammers, many of whom seem legitimate, friendly, like your next-door neighbor. Our message is, don't be fooled.

Judge William Webster: Our elder fellow citizens deserve our support and our protection.

Halpern: FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich encourages all to keep a vigilant eye on our senior population.

David Bowdich: When we were all born, our parents were our first champions, and we needed them. Today, they need us.

Halpern: Report elder fraud at ic3.gov. With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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